A local Bath Garden Enthusiast Group organising interesting ‘Day’ Outings, short ‘Residential’ Breaks and other social get-togethers


Thursday 1st August 2024 - Hestercombe Gardens and East Lambrook Manor

Thursday 1st August 2024 - Hestercombe Gardens and East Lambrook Manor

Hestercombe was a medieval garden in 1249! It has undergone many changes since then, most notably at the beginning of the 20th century when Edward Lutyens was commissioned to design a formal garden with planting by Gertrude Jekyll, ( the perfect pairing!) It has had its ups and downs since then, but in 2003 Hestercombe was transferred to Hestercombe Gardens Trust. In 2018 with a grant from Heritage Lottery Fund the garden was secured for future generations. It promises to be an exciting visit. We arrive there at 10:30 and have coffee & cake (included). We can then wander around, ask questions, and have a light lunch at the Stables Restaurant. We leave at 1:30 and arrive at our next garden, the famous East Lambrook Manor at 2:15 where we will have a short introductory talk by the owner. The cottage garden was planted by the famous plantswoman Margery Fish between 1938 and her death in 1969. This garden is an iconic and quintessentially English one, combining old fashioned and contemporary plants in a relaxed and informal way to create a garden of immense beauty and charm. There is also an excellent hardy plant nursery and a delightful cafe with outside seating serves drinks and homemade cakes. We hope to be back in Bath by 6:30

The cost is £49.50 to include travel, entrance to both properties and coffee & cake at Hestercombe.

To ensure your place, please book and pay the full balance by Friday 31st May 2024  

All enquiries to:  Steve Spiller (T) 01225 667557 or email:  steve@centuriontravel.co.uk  

Download Booking Form to Post

Online Booking Application - Thursday 1st August 2024 - Hestercombe Gardens and East Lambrook Manor

Payment details

Cheques made payable to Centurion Tours Ltd

Online payments can be made by BACS to: Royal Bank of Scotland - Account number: 11179146 Sort code: 83-04-25
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